Paris Hilton Attends MTV Movie Awards in L.A; Opens Up About Upcoming Incarceration

    Paris Hilton put her best foot forward and put on a brave face for the media at MTV Movie Awards in Los Angeles earlier this evening, just hours before she will turn herself in at the Century Regional Detention Center in Lynwood, California.

    For the first time since her sentencing, Paris breaks her silence and opens up about her true feelings about her unfortunate circumstance.

    Ms. Hilton told SuChin Pak of MTV News "I'm doing OK, I'm obviously a little scared right now.".

    "I am trying to be strong right now," said Hilton, who wore a gorgeous black strapless dress and jewels.

    Paris said her family, friends and fans have helped her prepare for her nearly three-week sentence behind bars, which begins no later than Tuesday, June 5th, 2007.

    "I've received thousands of letters from around the world of support and it's really been inspirational and really helped me," she said. "I'm really scared but I'm ready to do this. And I hope that I'm an example to other young people."

    Hilton could start serving her time at before Tuesday but did not reveal whether she would wait until the last moment.

    "I did have a choice to go to a pay jail," said Hilton. "But I declined because I feel like the media portrays me in a way that I'm not and that's why I wanted to go to county, to show that I can do it and I'm going to be treated like everyone else. I'm going to do the time, I'm going to do it the right way."

    "Even these past couple weeks, it's completely changed my life," she said.

    "Even though it's a scary thing I'm using it in a positive way and when I come out, I can't wait to start my new life and be even stronger than I am now."

    Once inside the awards venue, Paris endured a tirade of cruel jokes about her past sex tape and her upcoming jail time from host Sarah Silverman, followed by an small section of audible applause by non-Paris fans. Paris was strong and cracked a smile during the insulting segment by Silverman, although in my opinion she appeared visibly bothered by the cruel jokes, as I would have been as well if I were her. I actually found the jokes by Sarah Silverman dry and tasteless and a senseless attack an Paris' unfortunate situation. And the MTV Movie Awards sucked anyway this year, Paris and Amy Winehouse's performance of "Rehab" being the highlights of the evening.

    "I love the Movie Awards," Paris said before the show began. "It's fun. I wanted to do something nice before I went off."

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