Paris Hilton Talks To Ryan Seacrest From Century Regional Detention Facility

    Paris Hilton is really sick of all the trash talk that's going on about her (and so am I). She called into Ryan Seacrest's show and gave him an exclusive third week interview from jail . Here's what she had to say:

    "I'm so much more grateful for everything that I have, even just to have a pillow at night or food. You know my gratitude has gone up so much and I just realize that the media used me to make fun of and be mean about it. Frankly [I'm] sick of it and I want to use my fame in a good way."

    "I am behind glass and I want to give my dad a big hug and they won't even let me do that (on Father's Day). That's how the rules are, you have to be behind glass. I'm not a criminal, I'm not dangerous, so it makes me feel like that. It's hard but I'm stronger everyday."

    "I just can't wait to see my family and have a nice meal and be in my own bed and appreciate all the things I took for granted and never really thought much about."

    Paris gets out of jail this Monday June 25, 2007. She also confirmed to Ryan that she is claustrophobic and was having extreme panic attacks when she was first put in the small cell, but said she's getting used to it.

    Maybe Ryan told her about his interview with me last Thursday on his 102.7 KIIS FM L.A. morning radio show and how I defended her vehemently live on the air...

    One can only wonder.

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