Steve-O Hospitalized; Charged With Felony Drug Possession

    Actor and professional prankster Steve-O from the MTV Jackass series and movies was admitted to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, California after he allegedly threatened to kill himself.

    Reportedly Steve-O was taken to the emergency room at Cedars-Sinai on Sunday night and later admitted into the Thalians Mental Health Center (the same place where Owen Wilson was admitted for his alleged suicide attempt). Steve was put on a 72-hour hold (5150 hold) and that hold has been extended to 14 days (similar to the events that transpired for pop star Britney Spears in late January).

    A source said,
    "Steve is stabilized on meds at this point. He was also treated for burns on his skin as if he had been putting cigarettes out on his own body."

    Steve-O's family say he's bi-polar and currently not seeking treatment. They became afraid for his life after he was arrested earlier this month for punching holes into the wall of his apartment.

    A friend is blaming relationship problems with a female, giving that as the reason why Steve-O wanted to commit suicide.

    "Steve started flipping out. He told doctors he wanted to hurt himself badly. He wanted to break every bone in his body one by one", said the source.

    Steve-O (real name Stephen Gilchrist Glover) has also been charged by the L.A. County District Attorney with felony possession of cocaine. The drug charge stems from the 33 year-old actor's arrest on March 3rd, 2008 for allegedly vandalizing his neighbor's property, whereupon cops found him in possession of cocaine.

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